Monday, March 1, 2010

CCNA 6.5 Distance-Vector Routing Protocols

  • DVR protocol passes complete routing table contents to neighboring routers, which then combined the received routing entries with their own routing tables to complete the router's routing table
  • Pinhole congestion (RIP) :
  • Initial routing table with DVR (IP, Exit Interface, Hop Count):
  • DVR - slow convergence time
  • Converged routing tables:
  • DVR keeps track of changes to internetwork by broadcasting periodic routing updates out all active interface
  • Routing loops (counting to infinity) occur when every router isn't updated simultaneously
  • Maximum hop - RIP up to 15 (solve routing loops)
  • Splilt horizon enforce the rule that routing info cannot be sent back in the direction from which it was received (solve routing loops)
  • Route poisoning assigns down network with hop counts of 16 or unreachable/infinite (solve routing loops)
  • A holddown prevents regular update messages from reinstating a route that is going up and down (flapping)

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