Wednesday, June 10, 2009

CCNA 2.2 IP Addressing

  • An IP address consists of 32 bits of information (divide into four octets)
  • The 32 bit IP address is a structured or hierarchical address
  • Network address uniquely identifies each network
  • Node/Host address uniquely identifies each device on a network
  • Three classes of networks:
  • In Class A network address the first bit of the first byte must always be off (0-127)
  • In Class B network address the first bit of the first byte must always be on but the second bit is always off (128-191)
  • In Class C network address the first two bit of the first byte must always be on (192-223)
  • Class D network is used for multicast address (224-239)
  • Class E network is used for scientific purpose (240-255)
  • Reserved IP addresses:
  • Private IP address is used for security measure and saving IP address space
  • Reserved private IP address space:

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