Tuesday, June 30, 2009

CCNA 4.2 Cisco Command Line Interface (CLI)

  • CLI can be accessed by pressing "Enter" after router's boot up
  • User mode allows user to view statistics data of the router
  • Privileged mode allows user to view and change router parameter
  • Configure terminal (config t) command allows user to be in global config mode and make changes to running-config (config running in DRAM)
  • Configure memory (config mem) command allows user to make changes to startup-config (config stored in NVRAM)
  • Configure network (config net) command allows user to make changes to router configuration stored on a TFTP host
  • Config t, mem, net commands are all used to config info into RAM on router
  • Interface command on global config mode allows user to make changes to an interface
  • Subinterfaces allow user to create logical interfaces within the router
  • Line command allows user to configure user-mode passwords
  • Router term:
  • ? command on any prompt allow user to obtain a list of commands on that prompt
  • Router-command history:
  • Show version command allows user to obtain basic configuration for system hardware, software version and boot image

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